Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When all seems blue

Yesterday evening a friend of mine sent me a message, asking me to stand with them in prayer and for some reason I wondered why God would ask me to be there for someone when I myself needed all the prayers I could lay my hands on.

But then I realized that many a times we go through situations and we think God is punishing us, or he does not care but sometimes it may be pruning, a consequence of something we did even when God has forgiven us for what we did but there will be a time you go through something for one sole reason: so that you can be able to be there for someone in the future when they are faced with the same. And today was the time for which I went through a tough time those many years back.

You would be able to understand them deeply because you have been where they are at that point. when they tell you they are tired of praying because God does not answer or he says no each time.

Be able to relate with them when they think the bad thing happening to them was sent by God. But most times I have come to also learn that the enemy will send many things our way just to frustrate us even when we pray so we blame God. This is where he wins..

But as I sat with my bible this morning looking for a way to encourage my friend who was devastated and in her heart of hearts felt punished by God, forgotten by God..and not answered by God all the several prayers she had made. I remembered the most magnificent words I read that dark moment when I felt God had forgotten me. When I prayed for my dad's healing and it never came and he passed.

Job 5:18 says "For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal. "  Fine at that moment I may have felt that God had wounded me, my spirit for having forgotten me (even if that was not the case) but he would not stop there...with the same hands God's hands heal.

And when I felt condemned and felt that all God had for me was punishment these words came flooding Hosea 6:1 "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. "

This meant whatever I may have done to get me to a place of these consequences I still had a chance to go back to the Lord and though I may be wounded by what I had done, God would heal me.

And last but not least is one that always encourages me when all seems blue Psalms 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. "

So I do not know who is out there and feels lost and desolate in a world so cruel but there is hope.  Speak these words to yourself and you will find unexplainable healing. One that is beyond human understanding.

God says in Isaiah 55:11 "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." So as you pray his word believe beyond reasonable doubt that it will not return to him void.

After a very long long time..close to year..feels great to be writing again! The blogger is back!

Talk soon