Thursday, September 1, 2016

Breaking the Rules..... It begins!

So a while back I met someone who turned out to be a friend indeed! I have always made remarks like God's got me and everytiime someoone asked me who takes care of you I said God and I think that somedays I took this for granted till I was remided that God's surely got me... I was aided by a starnger liutterally who made hospital visits everyday, one night they spent the entire night in hospital with me... I was blown! Right there I knew that the verse Psalms 121:3 ssurely came to life. He who keeps me does not slumber.

I got a friend from this ordeal...reminded me of who I was or things I loved.....
The person I met told me they blog so I told them I used to blog and they asked why I had not blogged in forever!
So this post is really going to be so random as I have not blogged in years!!!! Literally and now seating on my bed I decided I should give blogging a go again.
I wondered where to start and I thought I should start right at home...myslef and whats been raging in me for the longest time!
 Most of us expect to have a successful job or career, a good family life, loving relationships, personal fulfillment, and financial security and everything that comes with what we believe is a good life. But the truth is for many of us this is not reality…it simply is not how it is

Ther comes a tiime when you start to ask yourself questions like what is holding me back? Why am I spinning my wheels and getting nowhere?Why do I feel like no matter what I do or try, I end up right where I started? You will notice most times you never get perfect answers to those questions. Each time you ask them you give yourself a different answer... but it all revolves around how you think you have not given eneough.

So try something today give yourself permission to break the rules, to move outside the boundaries of your usual way of looking at things. For the time being, forget about practical, realistic ideas. Dare to go beyond the self-censorship that comes from worrying about what other people think. Just for today try to follow your heart and dismiss unimportant “shoulds,”. Open the door to creative, spiritual and personal breakthroughs. Cast care to the wind, and try that thing you have always wanted to try but was too terrified of what people will think. Give that boss a call, set up that appointment, submit that manuscript you have sat on for weeks, months or even years, give that girl a call and ask for a date, go to that restaurant you have always wanted to go to but thought you are too busy to make time, give that friendship, marriage, relationship a sceond chance..... Throw all you cards in todayfor that dream you have always wanted..... Guess what whatever the outcome goood or bad you will have a perfect answe to one question for sure. "I gave it my best and now I never have to live with the thought of what if I had tried"
Nothing beats the feeling of emptiness that comes with regret of not having tried something because you were scared. So many a times we stop ourselves in the track because we are scared of failure but believe me Fear stops more dreams than failure ever will. It’s crazy! Fear makes people imagine the worst. “My business idea is too risky” or “I will never get accepted to work for my dream company. And if I do, I won’t be skilled enough for the position.” Fear intimidates and makes excuses like “I will do it tomorrow.”
What we should remember about fear is that it’s an illusion; it’s all in our mind. Although experiencing fear is normal, it should never stop us from acting on a dream or vision. That’s called courage.

Do not start your dream tomorrow..start Today! Go out and break the rules. You will be surprised the thrill that comes from breakiing the rules of fear!

Learn to dance outside the boundaries....

I have enjoyed writing this...Forgive any spelling mistakes but is the day I chose to break the rules!!!!

See you soon!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When all seems blue

Yesterday evening a friend of mine sent me a message, asking me to stand with them in prayer and for some reason I wondered why God would ask me to be there for someone when I myself needed all the prayers I could lay my hands on.

But then I realized that many a times we go through situations and we think God is punishing us, or he does not care but sometimes it may be pruning, a consequence of something we did even when God has forgiven us for what we did but there will be a time you go through something for one sole reason: so that you can be able to be there for someone in the future when they are faced with the same. And today was the time for which I went through a tough time those many years back.

You would be able to understand them deeply because you have been where they are at that point. when they tell you they are tired of praying because God does not answer or he says no each time.

Be able to relate with them when they think the bad thing happening to them was sent by God. But most times I have come to also learn that the enemy will send many things our way just to frustrate us even when we pray so we blame God. This is where he wins..

But as I sat with my bible this morning looking for a way to encourage my friend who was devastated and in her heart of hearts felt punished by God, forgotten by God..and not answered by God all the several prayers she had made. I remembered the most magnificent words I read that dark moment when I felt God had forgotten me. When I prayed for my dad's healing and it never came and he passed.

Job 5:18 says "For he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal. "  Fine at that moment I may have felt that God had wounded me, my spirit for having forgotten me (even if that was not the case) but he would not stop there...with the same hands God's hands heal.

And when I felt condemned and felt that all God had for me was punishment these words came flooding Hosea 6:1 "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. "

This meant whatever I may have done to get me to a place of these consequences I still had a chance to go back to the Lord and though I may be wounded by what I had done, God would heal me.

And last but not least is one that always encourages me when all seems blue Psalms 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. "

So I do not know who is out there and feels lost and desolate in a world so cruel but there is hope.  Speak these words to yourself and you will find unexplainable healing. One that is beyond human understanding.

God says in Isaiah 55:11 "so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." So as you pray his word believe beyond reasonable doubt that it will not return to him void.

After a very long long time..close to year..feels great to be writing again! The blogger is back!

Talk soon

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free Yourself From Resentment

“Harboring resentment wastes time and robs your energy.”
Holding grudges against another takes a tremendous amount of energy and slowly erodes your happiness.

If you think about it, it’s also a waste of time. You have so many better things to do with your life.
When you allow your negative emotions to affect your daily thoughts and actions, you become controlled by them.
Take a check of the resentment you hold against your loved ones, your co-workers or even your neighbor. Try to overcome your resentment by letting your considerate and loving nature dominate thoughts and actions.

You will find this true....
Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to resentment and the handcuffs of hate. It is the power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.
You can choose how to live your life. Free yourself from resentment and you will regain all of your energy. Try it. You’ll feel great when you do!

I know you are going to feel superb. The action is work but you can start by saying it out loud to yourself "I forgive person X" Say it as many times as you can until you start to bel8ieve it.
Then you will realize you have actually forgiven them. There is a whole lot of power in confession.

See you on the other side... tee hee..

Friday, January 28, 2011

What would you do?

This time I really do not know where to start but have one simple statement, when what is being asked of you is more than you can take and yet it is all you can take..... Not even certain of this makes sense but that's what is running through my mind....
 Any  words of advice? Anyone?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dealing with guilt.........

Hi Peeps, missed you all....I have not blogged for like forever but I am back this year. This time the first thing I would like to talk or should I say write about is guilt and how to deal with it. 

I do this because I have had a fair share of dealing with guilt for like the past 3 months...may be a contributor to my not blogging but hey..I am only here to tell you what has helped me and not really say this is all that can work for you but I know it can help if you a caught this vicious circle of carrying around guilt.

A vital difference exists between healthy and unhealthy guilt. Healthy guilt motivates us to amend relationships, make things right, and move toward health. It is focused on others more than on oneself. Unhealthy guilt often results in self-hatred. We condemn ourselves. We refuse to believe we can ever be accepted. 

This after a while becomes shame and Shame debilitates. Have  you wrestled with unhealthy guilt and forgiveness, read Psalm 51, which records David's prayer for forgiveness after committing the sins of adultery, murder, lying, and covering up. 

I challenge each person to read it and ask for forgiveness. Once finished, I tell them, "Don't ever ask God to forgive you for that sin again." For people who wrestle with shame, a pattern forms to bring up the same sins over and over again. I share what the Bible says: "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west" (Ps. 103:12 NLT). God has removed our sins from us as far as it is possible.

Confession of sin, of course, is healthy and a necessary part of daily biblical practice. However, constant confession of the same sin inhabits unbelief and not true confession, and the person is often left paralyzed on the road out to freedom.

If unhealthy guilt weighs you down read Romans 8 every day. Really let the content sink into your life. I believe you will experience God's forgiveness anew: "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death" (Rom. 8:1-2 NLT).

I will leave you with a question?
Which is more difficult: asking forgiveness, or feeling forgiven

Take your stand today seek forgiveness and once you have asked for it and are genuinely sorry, let go of what you did.... move on. The devil only wants you to sink and never to find freedom.
The ball is in your courts. Its not that easy, especially forgiving yourself but it is totally worth it..

Love y'all

Friday, December 10, 2010

Falling in Love again

“Remember when you were first in love?” The times that everytime he or she walked through a door your heart skipped a beat, or you felt your stomach rumble?

Remember the small things you did to show your love to your boyfriend? Things like a phone call in the middle of the day just to talk or say “I love you,” a love note left in his car, a foot massage, simple gifts, and cooking romantic dinners.
Or even just sitting by the side of water at a beach with nothing more than a cup of coffee and a snack... Remember those days?

As time passes you get weighted down with simply living life and forget all those things that made the difference in the beginning. You start to take things for granted, you feel there is no more reason to impress the one you love and in return the excitment dies and the relationship, or marriage starts to drug.

But all is not can actually fall in love all over again. All you have to do is do the simple things he or she always mentioned about you that blew him away, the ones that he always just smiled and gave u a squeeze, or a kis in the fored and said THANK YOU.

You need to go back to that place. It is very improtant that you do. But please bear in mind, that the feelings will not turn round over night. It takes time and persistence.

I will not lie to you that it may not be frustrating sometimes but when you feel utmost discouraged, just put your mind and memory to that first time she ever said yes, or to the first time he ever looked into your eyes and said I love you.. the things that really mattered to you then, and then tell me if that feeling is not worth fighting for. Think of what it could be like to feel that way again.

Choose to give love and not expect it back and trust me you will one day have that feeling come right back and then you will know it was all worth it.

But an important point is do it in small amounts. Do not try to shove love down ur lovers  throat. You will only push them away. If you feel them warming up to the small bits, increase the quantitites until you are both there....
Rekindle and reconnect with your relationship by consciously going back and doing the things that you did when your love first began to grow. Who knows? You may fall in love all over again!
Remember we do not achieve because we do not try...
I wish you all the best...
One last note:

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Love the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Courage to be yourself!

Its been a while since I last picked up the guts and pieces to write after the weeks I have been through. Its been a learning time for me, a time to grow, a painful time, a time I almost lost any confidence in myself. A time where I could not do things I did before because I did not believe in myself enough to be able to do them again. I felt life pass me by but I did not care even a bit.
I felt so alone. Could not talk to the friends I used to because I just felt them judge me when I did talk to them.

I had hit rick bottom and I had lost all the will to fight!

However as the time passed by, I got to learn a few things.“Discomfort is a small price to pay for growth.”

Many women find it difficult to say “No.” So they keep saying “Yes.”
Some women hurt when they hear praise. They shake their heads and deny their worth.
Many women resist love. They are the caregivers, but they are afraid to be taken care of.
Sometimes a woman wants to get intimate, but she is held back by shame.
Fear, shame and doubt eat away at your self-esteem. Today, decide the course YOU want to take. Don’t always feel compelled to flow with the current.
Ask yourself: Who are you?”
Imagine for a moment that you are the main character in a novel. Ask these questions of that character. What makes her tick? What turns her on? What are her talents? What are her interests? What values guide her life?

The main character in a book evolves and grows. You must do the same. Get to know yourself and you too will evolve and grow.

Start by asking yourself questions about whom you are and what you like to do. Armed with this newfound knowledge you’ll feel confident in asserting yourself in new and more decisive ways.
And, your life will change – for the better!
As a woman you ought to Say “No” firmly and loudly when you need to. When someone praises you, smile gently yet proudly. Allow yourself to be loved and cared for. Take control of your intimate moments by deciding and expressing what YOU want.
Allow discomfort to wash over you and fade away. Do the things that you REALLY want and throw away the mask that has been hiding you. You can do it!

I cant say I am an expert but I am in a way better place than I was 7 weeks ago.
Its a decision you make and then act on it. To stand up for who you are, your priciples and your life!

Talk soon. Missed y'all!