Thursday, September 1, 2016

Breaking the Rules..... It begins!

So a while back I met someone who turned out to be a friend indeed! I have always made remarks like God's got me and everytiime someoone asked me who takes care of you I said God and I think that somedays I took this for granted till I was remided that God's surely got me... I was aided by a starnger liutterally who made hospital visits everyday, one night they spent the entire night in hospital with me... I was blown! Right there I knew that the verse Psalms 121:3 ssurely came to life. He who keeps me does not slumber.

I got a friend from this ordeal...reminded me of who I was or things I loved.....
The person I met told me they blog so I told them I used to blog and they asked why I had not blogged in forever!
So this post is really going to be so random as I have not blogged in years!!!! Literally and now seating on my bed I decided I should give blogging a go again.
I wondered where to start and I thought I should start right at home...myslef and whats been raging in me for the longest time!
 Most of us expect to have a successful job or career, a good family life, loving relationships, personal fulfillment, and financial security and everything that comes with what we believe is a good life. But the truth is for many of us this is not reality…it simply is not how it is

Ther comes a tiime when you start to ask yourself questions like what is holding me back? Why am I spinning my wheels and getting nowhere?Why do I feel like no matter what I do or try, I end up right where I started? You will notice most times you never get perfect answers to those questions. Each time you ask them you give yourself a different answer... but it all revolves around how you think you have not given eneough.

So try something today give yourself permission to break the rules, to move outside the boundaries of your usual way of looking at things. For the time being, forget about practical, realistic ideas. Dare to go beyond the self-censorship that comes from worrying about what other people think. Just for today try to follow your heart and dismiss unimportant “shoulds,”. Open the door to creative, spiritual and personal breakthroughs. Cast care to the wind, and try that thing you have always wanted to try but was too terrified of what people will think. Give that boss a call, set up that appointment, submit that manuscript you have sat on for weeks, months or even years, give that girl a call and ask for a date, go to that restaurant you have always wanted to go to but thought you are too busy to make time, give that friendship, marriage, relationship a sceond chance..... Throw all you cards in todayfor that dream you have always wanted..... Guess what whatever the outcome goood or bad you will have a perfect answe to one question for sure. "I gave it my best and now I never have to live with the thought of what if I had tried"
Nothing beats the feeling of emptiness that comes with regret of not having tried something because you were scared. So many a times we stop ourselves in the track because we are scared of failure but believe me Fear stops more dreams than failure ever will. It’s crazy! Fear makes people imagine the worst. “My business idea is too risky” or “I will never get accepted to work for my dream company. And if I do, I won’t be skilled enough for the position.” Fear intimidates and makes excuses like “I will do it tomorrow.”
What we should remember about fear is that it’s an illusion; it’s all in our mind. Although experiencing fear is normal, it should never stop us from acting on a dream or vision. That’s called courage.

Do not start your dream tomorrow..start Today! Go out and break the rules. You will be surprised the thrill that comes from breakiing the rules of fear!

Learn to dance outside the boundaries....

I have enjoyed writing this...Forgive any spelling mistakes but is the day I chose to break the rules!!!!

See you soon!