Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dealing with guilt.........

Hi Peeps, missed you all....I have not blogged for like forever but I am back this year. This time the first thing I would like to talk or should I say write about is guilt and how to deal with it. 

I do this because I have had a fair share of dealing with guilt for like the past 3 months...may be a contributor to my not blogging but hey..I am only here to tell you what has helped me and not really say this is all that can work for you but I know it can help if you a caught this vicious circle of carrying around guilt.

A vital difference exists between healthy and unhealthy guilt. Healthy guilt motivates us to amend relationships, make things right, and move toward health. It is focused on others more than on oneself. Unhealthy guilt often results in self-hatred. We condemn ourselves. We refuse to believe we can ever be accepted. 

This after a while becomes shame and Shame debilitates. Have  you wrestled with unhealthy guilt and forgiveness, read Psalm 51, which records David's prayer for forgiveness after committing the sins of adultery, murder, lying, and covering up. 

I challenge each person to read it and ask for forgiveness. Once finished, I tell them, "Don't ever ask God to forgive you for that sin again." For people who wrestle with shame, a pattern forms to bring up the same sins over and over again. I share what the Bible says: "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west" (Ps. 103:12 NLT). God has removed our sins from us as far as it is possible.

Confession of sin, of course, is healthy and a necessary part of daily biblical practice. However, constant confession of the same sin inhabits unbelief and not true confession, and the person is often left paralyzed on the road out to freedom.

If unhealthy guilt weighs you down read Romans 8 every day. Really let the content sink into your life. I believe you will experience God's forgiveness anew: "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death" (Rom. 8:1-2 NLT).

I will leave you with a question?
Which is more difficult: asking forgiveness, or feeling forgiven

Take your stand today seek forgiveness and once you have asked for it and are genuinely sorry, let go of what you did.... move on. The devil only wants you to sink and never to find freedom.
The ball is in your courts. Its not that easy, especially forgiving yourself but it is totally worth it..

Love y'all


  1. ur blog has been really helpful to a friennd of mine whose been dealing heavily with guilt.... Keep it up... Charles
