Friday, August 27, 2010

What a week

Wow...what a week....trying to get my mind at how fast the week has gone by...but it has had its ups and downs...First I begin it by driving allover town to look for Shell gas and I go to this supermarket and find that these guys have hiked their price to 78k from 72k. Anyhows I manange to drive accross town and found it at 72K but that was a husssle.

Then work just seemed to pick up and a notch... Tried doing my research and the writing is also not helping...generally it is one of those weeks that just suck! But I got a highlight on Thursday when I attended Ps. John and Helen Burns speaking about friendships and this was totally awesome! There was a mini concert of the restore tour and damn am I honoured to be part of the Church that has such a vision

I am looking forward to seeing them again today at 6 at MOV/DOD. I am so certain its going to be fun packed!

I crowned my week with the morning jog wheich I have skipped for the last 3 days and damn it felt really hard.....

Right now my body is complaining so much and I just want my bed like yesterday!
We now have swimming comps coming up on Sunday and I do not know how to dive...imagine...Generally I am not exactly looking forward to it but I plan to take off Saturady morning to try and syke myself into it!

I have team building today with my team mbu at gaba? Who does that?????? Teambuilding...Gaba....seriously?????Gaba of all places? I am not sure I will even go coz I loathe that place! Just quite dirty with loads of flies...

Thats how my week has been..and hopefully will be a great feeling at the end of it!

Talk soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Its friday...weekend is here and I have just finished my jog! Had some fruit and now I am off for movie night...stay tuned my peeps!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The craze continues.....

Did I tell you that we got to celebrate my birthday at office...lovely coconut cake but that meant I hard to work out twice as hard to rid the extra pounds...yes...I always keep that in mind...I don want to get too heavy for myself to carry...

my birthday craze was continued with prayer at Watoto Church overnight on Friday evening. I was blessed to share this moment with the person I love so much. It was a lovely way to begin a new year.... or to end was a beautiful time to come and be humbled before God and cry to the end of the prayer timed I felt so filled and ready to face the new year!

I was then whisked off to Javas for a cup of coffee and loads of cake! Finally I had birthday cake of my own. Had a lovely time and very important talk went down and I realised that I am more than blessed...

As the night drew nigh....I left for home...becuase I had a wedding to work at the next day starting at 8......

Saturday was a beautiful day..beautiful wedding and then Sunday I had to be up and out of the house by 7:30 for service...

It was an awesome service...and yes I attended it with K who yet again had a big surprise for me. I had planned to take my car for service but he said that could wait...

We went off to Boda Boda some prettie spot at Garden city for Chapagne brunch....

Guess what we got there early and then i starts to rain! And yes I love all this time it was raining we had the place to ourselves coz no one had the guts to walk in the rain...all the waiters had their attention on us...

It was my best birthday celebration because I had quality time which is a first in the list of my love languages....which by the way I am not too sure how many they are coz I seem to fall everywhere.....

My birthday cfraze was crowned with a fab foot massage which just was mwah!

I look forward to my next birthday and most of the person I will share it with..

Big ups for K!

See ya! Gotta run!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What a year! Birthday Craze!

My birthday started off with a message from my lil sister saying she loves me and it was a magical moment for was then followed by a call from K who made me feel so loved...and made me realise I am the luckiest gal to have a man like that in my life...I skipped off to bed and the morning was earlier than anything.

As if God's way of saying happy birthday...I found out for the very first time that my car had a CD changer! OMG. I had driven it for close to a month and had no idea...feels good to actually know that I do not have to listen to radio stations when they are boring!

I punched up myself in pink and black two of my favourite colours...tho I think I just like all colours except green!!!! Yuck!

Drove off to work..a normal day until my workmates creeped up on me and flashed me with water...warm, ice cold and singing off tune! LOL!

Recieved a call from reception ...mum had sent me a gift.....Felt loved tho...then I was whisked off by K for lovely lunch...quality time... and then the afternoon went by slowly...My lil sis dropped in around about that time and brought me something in one of my favourite colours ....PINK....and when we were done with work I spent the evening with K....recieved a lovely foot massage...danced to soft music (He heals me by Idia Arie - a song that reminds me a whole lot of K ) in candle light...beautiful night I tell u

Listen here.....

AT about 10pm I assumed my day is done but I have had a tradition ..I always have to do something crazy on my birthday. So this is what I did on my birthday as crazy:

1. I drove all the way from Golf course to Garden city at 0.5km/h was totally crazy coz it was late and there were army men lined up on that raod lookintg for Alshabab bombs and I kept going in my mind like "what if they stop me and take me in!"

2. I drove all the way up the garden city parking to the drive in cinema...I do not even think anyone has driven there before...there were only army men..I got out of the car and looked down..totally terrified but excited

3. I then decided to enter a casino for the very first time in my life! I came in as tho I was up for gambling and all these gals kept giving me looks...they were practically naked...I guess they had not seen a fully dressed female in ages....

4. I drove back home and climbed on top of my car and stood on it. After I thought to myself...I could have fallen but yei! I had done something crazy on birthday

I went in...took a cold bath...and slid into birthday was crowned with a call from K reminding me of how much he loves me...

But hey...the craze is not yet done....there is more...

Stick around for the rest of it.....