Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wondering where God is?

Many times we go thru phases in life that either take us to higher heights or sometimes u feel like they are sucking all the life out of you.. I have had a chance to go through some trying times and I have had to ask myself difficult questions, stopped believing in myself, wondered if God cared at all or if he was hearing any of my prayers.... but the answer to suffering cannot just be an abstract idea, because this isn't an abstract issue; it's a personal issue. It requires a personal response. The answer must be someone, not just something, because the issue involves someone - "God, where are you?" Many times during times of disteress, pain and loss we ask ourselves this question.

"Jesus is there, sitting beside us in the lowest places of our lives," and he has always said Are we broken? He was broken, like bread, for us. Are we despised? He was despised and rejected of men. Do we cry out that we can't take any more? He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Do people betray us? He was sold out himself. Are our tenderest relationships broken? He too loved and was rejected. Do people turn from us? They hid their faces from him as a from a leper...

He is despised in many parts of this fallen world. He's the one we love to hate, yet to us he has chosen to return love. Every tear we shed becomes his tear. He may not wipe them away yet, but he will."

You know in all this..... as many explainations we may need as to why we are suffering or going through what we do...God knew Jesus was more than an explanation,"  "He's what we really need. If your friend is sick and dying, the most important thing he wants is not an explanation; he wants you to sit with him. He's terrified of being alone more than anything else. If  you are hurting always rememeber that God has not left us alone."

God has and will always be there with us even if all the world walks out. So pick up any pieces that you have dropped during the turmoil and give them to the only man who know how to patch them up.

Will leave you with that..

Talk to you soon. Cant believe I have not blogged in a while. Missed it.

Love y'all!

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