Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bait of Satan

This post is dedicated to two great friends of mine who do not realise what they may be but for me have been the best friends I could ever have and have stood by me through all this time. It has been a trying phase for me and I am just taking one step at a time....

I have been reading a book by John Bevere : Bait of Satan. This book speaks about offence and how if we take offence we are actually affecting ourselves and sinning.

“Holding grudges will consume your emotional energy… if you let it.”

Holding grudges uses lots of emotional energy. And, when your emotional energy is tied up in a grudge, it holds you in the past. Grudges hold energy hostage and it’s not until you forgive that your energy can be restored.

Think of forgiveness as something you do for yourself. Think of it as something that makes you stronger, not weaker.

If you’re holding grudges, let them go. Seek reconciliation if needed. If you find it hard to forgive then start with the small grudges and work your way up. The physical feeling of relief and the energy reclaimed will be well worth it.

Forgive today. It’s time to move on!

Catch you soon peeps!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't let this steal your dreams!!!

Hand in hand with setbacks and challenges comes discouragement. Its ferocity can stop you in your tracks and before you know it your dreams seem unreachable. Stop! This is only true if you give in.

Today is the day you will conquer discouragement. Today is the day you will feel more determined and stronger than ever. Today is the day you will put one foot in front of the other and persevere.

Make a commitment to yourself that you will never give up when you feel disheartened, but rather, you will view these feelings as a sign to work harder.

You’re entitled to your dreams and aspirations. So why not make this commitment today?

I made mine this morning and it feels awesome! Loving me already!

Monday, September 13, 2010

In the father's house

On the one hand there is the persistent memory of the past with its failures, hurts, shame, and guilt. On the other hand there is the revelation of the gospel that shows me who I now am in Christ. In so many of our lives, the voice of condemnation drowns out the voice of revelation. It is so much easier to focus our eyes on us than on the Lamb.

We become overwhelmed with the memory of our past rather than fixing our gaze on the robe, the ring, the sandals, the fatted calf-all symbols of our Father's grace lavished upon us. We walk down that dark road to find a corner in the servants' quarters.

Your journey to the Father's house begins with that first step of changing your mind about who you perceive yourself to beand who you truly are.

When you do change your mind about who you are, you will change you mind about where you live, moving out of the cold and isolated quarters of the servant into the warmth and intimacy of the Father's house.

Thats an inspiration I read today while trying to break out of a cucoon cycle of a terrible day.

And with that said I leave you with the quote:

"No body can go back and start a new beginning, but any one can start today and make a new ending! Today is the day I start my new begining!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are you chasing happiness?

“Happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want.”
At first glance this sounds like the same thing, take a closer look, it’s not.

If you’re completely fulfilled by spending time with your friends and family because you really want to be with them then you truly want what you have.

On the flip side, if you drive the nicest car and have a huge house, and have worked hard to get those things, then you’ve been successful at having what you want.

When you have what you want eventually the feeling of satisfaction wears off. Once you get what you want the old wants are replaced by new wants and the cycle continues. True happiness remains at bay.
Look around you, happiness may be closer than you think. It may just be a matter of changing what you value.

Today I take on time to find the things that make me really happy and love what I have..

Oh by the way I am leave...but stepped in just to see how my peeps are doing

Monday, September 6, 2010

Having a bad day???

“It’s just one of those days.”

There will be days when you’ll end up having a melt down, freaking out, and going into an emotional tailspin. For me today is one of those days....I have been shutting it out, pretending its a good day and lying to myself that I am just being negative.... But I have realised that It’s completely normal. The key is to let it happen.

What’s important is, once it’s over, you need to pick up the pieces and regain your composure. This is your responsibility. It’s crucial not to beat yourself up because you lost control. Remember a fall out doesn’t mean failure.
Expect bad days every once in a while. These days may scare and upset you, but realize they are all part of life.
A great day is just around the corner!

I cant wait or end of day...oe end of the phase so I can look back on it and say that this too has passed!

Catch you soon

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Early Morn workout

I am feeling yei today...I was up at 5 to try something really new to me. I love to work out and some of my friends call me a workout freak but I had never pushed it this far. Actually if i told them what I just did they would call me crazy

I did about 5k's and feel proud of myself. It is totally worth it to work out and saves us a whole lot of health issues tho people do not see it that way..

I plan to keep this up tho it is damn hard!

Eight Months...still counting!

Today I make eight months into my current relationship. Ofcourse some of you may wonder why just eight months is big enough to write about it but to me this is a big milestone for me.

To fall in love for me was non existent, infact I was so scared of it... But God had bigger and better plans for me...

This is a tribute to K just in appreciation to having accepted me the way I was.

Thank you my love. There was a time where I didn't beleive in love.I really thought it never existed, but this is the time that makes me want to thank you. Thank you everything, because it is you that taught me love, and how to love. Before, I feared love. But now, I know I can't go on without love. Not any love, but your love, my love, my only, my one. Love you for the years to come, loved you for the months that have passed, and my love you will have always. Yours, J

The past months have been extremely lovely and awesome. It is beautiful to have a best friend and yet have all these emotional feelings go for him. This does not mean we don fight...on the contrary we tag at eachother's necks but this will never last more than hours...becuase of the friends that we are we make up...

I look forward to better times to come and more of the beautiful moments we have shared.

Till can actch me on twitter! LOL! Yes I finally signed up! Thats how idle I have been today....


Talk soon