Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eight Months...still counting!

Today I make eight months into my current relationship. Ofcourse some of you may wonder why just eight months is big enough to write about it but to me this is a big milestone for me.

To fall in love for me was non existent, infact I was so scared of it... But God had bigger and better plans for me...

This is a tribute to K just in appreciation to having accepted me the way I was.

Thank you my love. There was a time where I didn't beleive in love.I really thought it never existed, but this is the time that makes me want to thank you. Thank you everything, because it is you that taught me love, and how to love. Before, I feared love. But now, I know I can't go on without love. Not any love, but your love, my love, my only, my one. Love you for the years to come, loved you for the months that have passed, and my love you will have always. Yours, J

The past months have been extremely lovely and awesome. It is beautiful to have a best friend and yet have all these emotional feelings go for him. This does not mean we don fight...on the contrary we tag at eachother's necks but this will never last more than hours...becuase of the friends that we are we make up...

I look forward to better times to come and more of the beautiful moments we have shared.

Till can actch me on twitter! LOL! Yes I finally signed up! Thats how idle I have been today....


Talk soon


  1. Many happy memories together! All I want is the best for you guys :-)


  2. Thanks Evelyn! You have been a great friend in all this ya chic!!
