Thursday, September 9, 2010

Are you chasing happiness?

“Happiness is wanting what you have, not having what you want.”
At first glance this sounds like the same thing, take a closer look, it’s not.

If you’re completely fulfilled by spending time with your friends and family because you really want to be with them then you truly want what you have.

On the flip side, if you drive the nicest car and have a huge house, and have worked hard to get those things, then you’ve been successful at having what you want.

When you have what you want eventually the feeling of satisfaction wears off. Once you get what you want the old wants are replaced by new wants and the cycle continues. True happiness remains at bay.
Look around you, happiness may be closer than you think. It may just be a matter of changing what you value.

Today I take on time to find the things that make me really happy and love what I have..

Oh by the way I am leave...but stepped in just to see how my peeps are doing

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